Beating The Drum

Joseyphina (Ghana): chuckles You paint a beautiful picture, Nsatu. But for me, Afrobloggers is more like a giant talking drum. We each beat our own rhythm, our experiences unique, but the underlying message resonates across the continent. It’s a powerful force, this platform we’ve built…

Wounded Animal

The city screams, a dull ache behind my temples. Sunlight, a cruel intruder, pierces the blinds, revealing the wreckage of last night. Empty bottles, like fallen soldiers, litter the floor – casualties of a solo campaign. The air hangs heavy, thick with the scent of stale beer and regret. My reflection mocks from the bathroom…… Continue reading Wounded Animal

A Wanderlusting Heart

This insatiable wanderlust that consumes you, dear reader, is not a mere desire for escape. It is a yearning to connect with the essence of humanity, to understand the stories etched in the landscapes and cultures that have shaped our world. It’s a pilgrimage to the birthplace of dreams, a chance to discover where your own story intersects with the grand narrative of humankind. So pack your metaphorical bags, embrace the unknown, and let the adventure begin. The world awaits, a vibrant canvas waiting for your brushstrokes of exploration…

An Elegy In Perpetual Dusk

The search became our salvation. It gave our existence meaning, a purpose beyond mere survival. We shared stories under the cold, indifferent stars, stories of a time when the sun kissed our skin and laughter echoed in the sunlight. In the shared memories, we found a fragile connection, a flicker of warmth in the all-encompassing darkness.

The ending, dear reader, is yet unwritten. We continue our journey, a testament to the enduring human spirit. Whether we find the fabled valley or not is immaterial. The search itself, the shared hope, the tenacity of the human spirit – these are the true lights that guide us through the long night…

The Wilted Lily

The moment I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right. It wasn’t the absence of sunlight filtering through the blinds, usually the unwelcome prelude of a new day. It was a deeper silence, a hollowness that echoed in the cavern of my chest. I reached out, my arm instinctively seeking the familiar warmth beside me.…… Continue reading The Wilted Lily