Beating The Drum

Joseyphina (Ghana): chuckles You paint a beautiful picture, Nsatu. But for me, Afrobloggers is more like a giant talking drum. We each beat our own rhythm, our experiences unique, but the underlying message resonates across the continent. It’s a powerful force, this platform we’ve built…

Behind the Curtain

This is my story, a peek behind the curtain of my blogging journey. It’s not a story of grand achievements or overnight success. It’s a story of quiet passion, of facing fears, and of finding my voice in the vast digital orchestra. It’s a story that continues to unfold, one keystroke at a time, with the hope that it will resonate with someone out there, somewhere, in the vast unseen audience…

The Confessional

In my walks, in the quiet whisper of nature, I find the solace to forgive the past. It’s there, too, that the strength rises, a phoenix from the ashes of despair. It’s in those moments of solitude that I remember who I thought I could be, who I wanted to be. And for a fleeting moment, the weight of years falls away. I feel young again, the embers of those lost dreams flicker once more, a faint warmth against the chill of reality…

Wounded Animal

The city screams, a dull ache behind my temples. Sunlight, a cruel intruder, pierces the blinds, revealing the wreckage of last night. Empty bottles, like fallen soldiers, litter the floor – casualties of a solo campaign. The air hangs heavy, thick with the scent of stale beer and regret. My reflection mocks from the bathroom…… Continue reading Wounded Animal

Disrobe This Love

With every touch love’s imprints cling to our skin, its intricate patterns mapping excitement. We unfasten each delicate hook, revealing the map of longing etched within. Finally, we stand bare: naked truth, our souls unmasked, our flaws unhidden. No more pretense, no more veils – just the raw, imperfect beauty of us…

A Duet of Pixels and Prose

Two creators, an artist and a writer, explore the beauty and challenges of collaboration. They discuss how their different styles can illuminate the hidden depths of human experience, from the pain in the shadows to the hope offered by words. While acknowledging the potential for creative friction, they ultimately celebrate the power of working together, highlighting the synergy that leads to something truly remarkable…

#WinterABC24: The Freedom Collective

“…I believe the best way to contribute in the long run is not to focus on a definition of success that society has given us but rather to focus on play, joy, passion, purpose, and ideas. So I’m seeking artistic freedom, not freedom in my art but rather freedom for my art. Freedom is important…… Continue reading #WinterABC24: The Freedom Collective